Mount Sinai has been found: 20 years of Biblical Archaeology in the desert of Exodus. The real Mount Sinai has been found by Prof. Emmanuel Anati at Har Karkom.
Emmanuel Anati:
Gordon Franz:

Several of the now desert areas of the Near East were intensely frequented in the third millennium BC

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Mount Sinai has been found.


General Information

CCSP: The Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici, established 1964, is a non-profit cultural organisation. Its main concern is research in prehistoric and primitive art and related disciplines. The CCSP disseminates an understanding and concern for ancient civilisations by undertaking and publishing studies and by contributing to the preservation and appreciation of the cultural heritage. It is also a centre for training students in scholarly research. Scholars world-wide have pursued periods of development and specialisation at this institute. Many specialists who are presently active in prehistoric and tribal art studies have spent time at the CCSP and are maintaining contact.

To know more about the CCSP visit

RESEARCH: CCSP's main activity is scientific research

General: Projects being carried on are self-supported or in collaboration with other institutions and the participation of volunteers. As a result of the Centro's activities, rock art is now being acknowledged by the international organisations as a basic documentation for historical reconstruction.

Comparative research: World Archives of Rock Art (WARA); Origins and patterns of visual art, Comparative studies, Thematic research projects; Who’s Who in Rock Art; Research projects in different regions of the world.

Valcamonica: The first major project of the CCSP has been the study of Valcamonica rock art, today included in the prestigious UNESCO "List of World Heritage Sites". Research in Valcamonica attracts every year numerous scholars, students and volunteers.

Expeditions Abroad: Field explorations and excavations are carried on annually in different parts of the world. In the last 50 years the CCSP has led over 120 expeditions in Africa, the Near East, the Far East, Oceania and Europe.

TRAINING: Training of professionals on a world-wide scale is an urgent requirement for the comprehension and protection of rock art. The CCSP offers apprenticeships aimed at producing highly qualified professionals: individual tutoring for post-doctoral researchers, monographic seminars for university students, archaeological field work for students and amateurs are carried on since 1964. Credit is given upon agreement with universities.

MEETINGS, SEMINARS & CONGRESSES: To maintain scholarly awareness among specialists the CCSP holds meetings, seminars and congresses. Currently, each year the CCSP organises two meetings on monographic subjects concerning world rock art or research expeditions of the CCSP, and Valcamonica Symposium, which is attended by participants from all over the world.

SUPPORTS: The main supports for the research are: a specialised Library; Scientific Archives; Documentation Centre; Edizioni del Centro; Museums; Archaeological Parks and protected areas.

Library and Files: The library of the CCSP is specialised on the prehistoric and tribal art of the five continents.

Edizioni del Centro: The publishing department of the CCSP produces the BCSP, an international periodical of prehistoric and primitive art, series of monographs and other volumes dedicated to prehistoric and primitive art, anthropology and archaeology, and offers scholars editorial space for scientific diffusion and promotion. Books are printed in Italian, English and French.

Museums, archaeological parks and protected area: The CCSP serves as the scientific supervisor of the Museum and Rock Art Reserve located in Ceto, Cimbergo, Paspardo and is the planner of local, regional, and national rock art parks in Italy and in other countries.

VOLUNTARY WORK: Volunteers and amateurs are taking active part in the archives, the library, the editorial department, the field works and expeditions abroad and in other activities.

For more information please contact: CENTRO CAMUNO DI STUDI PREISTORICI, 25044 CAPO DI PONTE (BS), Tel. 0039 0364/4291 - Fax. 0039 0364/42572

Fig. 158a/b. Rock engraving called 'the eye that watches from the rock.' A large eye has seven lines arrayed from the bottom and seven from the top. (Site HK 36b; photo EA98: LVIII-5; drawing: HK Archive; WARA W06016, W06017).

Cover | Mount Sinai | Sanctuaries | Hypothesis | Exegesis | Testimony | Landscape | Discoveries | Rock Art | History | Conclusions | HK Survey | HK Periods | HK Rock Art | HK Corpus 1-99 | 100-199 | 200-299 | 300-399 | BK Corpus 100-399 | 400-499 | 500-599 | 600-699 | 700-799 | 800-899 | Glossary | Acknowledgements | Emmanuel Anati | Bibliography | Edizioni | CCSP | Images | Links

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Reviews should include at least two links to, once in the article body and once at its end, referring readers to for more informations.

Edizioni del Centro, 25044 Capo di Ponte, Valcamonica (BS), Italy
TEL: 0039 0364/42091, FAX: 0039 0364/42572,


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