Mount Sinai has been found: 20 years of Biblical Archaeology in the desert of Exodus. The real Mount Sinai has been found by Prof. Emmanuel Anati at Har Karkom.
Emmanuel Anati:
Gordon Franz:

At the beginning the majority of researchers were against the proposed identification

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Mount Sinai has been found.



Coordinates: 122.4/975.8 Description: Terraced-fields (BYZ) that have been employed recently with traces of remaking. Remains of bivouac with recent windbreak hut. The agricultural terracing has been attributed to the denizens of site BK/602 (BYZ/Roman). The terraces along the north border of the wadi Bereka are extended for a length of about 350 m. Finds: Remains of an utensils workshop; Pottery. Periods MC: RBY. Site typology: BK601b Coordinates: 122.5/975.5 Description: Agricultural terracing found at the bottom of the slope, similar to site BK/601. Finds: Pottery. Periods MC: RBY. Site typology:


Coordinates: 123.1/975.6 Description: 1 oval stone structure and 1 almost rectangular courtyard on a side wadi of Nahal Beroka. Traces of terracing nearby. Inside the wadi there are remains of a village with 5 round living structures (traces of Islamic remaking). Remains of a Bedouin encampment are superimposed. This installation is at the foot of the caves and at its base is a Bedouin cemetery. Finds: Pottery. Periods MC: RBY, ISL. Site typology:


Coordinates: 122.9/975.6 Description: Remains of a nomadic encampment consisting of a rectangular structure and rectangular huts, defined by alignments of stone. Site typology:

BK/602 c

Coordinates: 123.2/975.5 Description: Group of small rock shelters. Bedouin stone-built storeroom. Periods MC: ISL. Site typology:


Coordinates: 123.4/975.5 Description: 2 standing stones and several heaps of stones, on the northern terrace at a sharp corner of Wadi Bereka. Site typology:

BK/603 b

Coordinates: 123.3/975.4 Description: In a little side valley at the Wadi Bereka there are numerous caves and shelters. 1 of the shelters has closing walls of stone. Some pools of water and numerous boulders rolled down into the valley. 1 of the natually anthropomorphic-shaped boulders has been hoisted up and is kept vertical by small stones supporting it. Finds: Flint; Pottery. Site typology:


Coordinates: 124.3/975.8 Description: 3 rectangular stone structures and remains of terraces on the western side of a large lateral terrace of the wadi. Finds: Pottery RBY. Periods MC: RBY. Site typology:


Coordinates: 124.4/975.9 Description: 5 rectangular stone structures, a large tumulus and several heaps of stones, on the eastern end of a large terrace of the wadi which has numerous remains of terracing. Finds: Pottery RBY, HEL . Periods MC: RBY, HEL. Site typology:


Coordinates: 124.2/976.5 Description: 2 circular stone structures (dwelling units), nearby are several heaps of stones. On the terrace along the wadi is a large stone with circular wall reutilized as a Bedouin grave. Finds: Pottery IA, RBY. Periods MC: IA, RBY. Site typology:


Coordinates: 123.6/976.5 Description: Remains of a settlement on a southern terrace of the wadi showing at least 3 different phases of Description: The latest seems to be a row of 3 rather small rectangular dwelling units. In the center of the terrace there is a row of 5 larger structures which are angular on 1 side and rounded on the other. 2 of them seem to have been reused. Traces of at least 4 earlier structures are found on the eastern terrace of this site. Further east there is a circle of 9 standing stones and further on a group of 4 living structures and a few heaps of stones nearby. Periods MC: RBY.


Coordinates: 123.8/976.5 Description: A group of 4 oval stone structures along the foot of the hill. The largest 1 is likely to have been an animal enclosure. Nearby a small rectangular structure probably built during a different period. On the edge of the wadi, some 20 m. from this group, there is another rectangular structure. Nearby is a semicircle composed by 12 standing stones. Several other heaps of stones are spread all over the same area. About 25 m. east there is a low tumulus surrounded by 9 standing stones. In the vicinity, other groups of standing stones form small circles. Periods MC: RBY. Site typology:


Coordinates: 123.4/976.6 Description: 2 groups of piles of stones, probably a cemetery. Site typology:


Coordinates: 123.4/976.8 Description: 5 circular stone structures in a row; to the east 5 smaller circular stone structures arranged in a semicircle. There is a grinding stone in the second dwelling unit from the south and all structures are still standing. 5 strata of stone appear to have been rebuilt. Finds: Pottery Gaza, BYZ, ISL, Medieval; Flint UP. Periods MC: RBY, ISL, UP. Site typology:


Coordinates: 123.2/976.9 Description: 5 stone structures similar to those in BK/607a. Finds: Pottery ISL Periods MC: RBY, ISL. Site typology:


Coordinates: 123.1/977.1 Description: From the slope of the mountain to the wadi, a series of 6 rec- tangular stone structures likely to belong to 2 different periods; 2 of them are larger than the others and better preserved. Finds: Pottery ISL. Periods MC: RBY, ISL. Site typology:


Coordinates: 123.3/976.7 Description: 2 tumuli on the edge of the mountain. A small rock shelter with stone-built closing wall. Site typology:


Coordinates: 121.3/977.2 Description: Remains of stone bases of dwelling structures, 2 of them are rectangular and the other circular. It is possible to clearly see 7 structures, and perhaps another 2. The largest structure, measuring about 8 m. x 6 m. has in its corner 2 stones of natural form, with anthropomorphic faces. 1 of them has the mouth and nose retouched by man. In this structure the stone at the entrance has the "zoomorphic" face on 1 side and on the other, a face naturally formed but, perhaps, retouched by man. Opposite the entrance there is a large black stone of natural cubic form. In what appears to be the entrance of the structure, there are 2 striking stones. 1 has a probable bestial or monstrous face and the other has an anthropomorphic face. On the left side of the entrance there is a small stone barrow with 4 pillars which are now fallen. The rectangular structure at the south border of the installation is probably Islamic. The others are older. 1 of the structures is eight-shaped. On the other side of the wadi, 60 m. further North, a funerary area with standing stones and tumuli. Finds: Pottery (ISL); Flint (BAC or NEO?). Periods MC: NEO, BAC, ISL. Site typology:


Coordinates: 121.3/977.4 Description: A round structure, a tumulus and remains of a small geoglyph: a rounded shape with a tail. The circle has a diameter of ca. 1.30 m. and the tail is 1.80 m. long. Site typology:


Coordinates: 121.0/977.2 Description: A circular stone structure east of the wadi. Site typology:


Coordinates: 124.0/975.3 Description: A circular stone structure. Site typology:


Coordinates: 124,170 / 975,20 Description: Two rock shelters. Finds: Flints. Periods MC: BAC. Site typology: Rock shelter.


Coordinates: 124.5/975.7 Description: At least 6 hut floors on the top of the hill. Site typology:


Coordinates: 124.6/975.7 Description: A rectangular stone structure. Site typology:


Coordinates: 125.0/975.5 Description: Remains of 5 hut floors, Palaeolithic in type, on a top of a low hill. In the surroundings, there are several stone structures: a temporary encampment and many piles of stones, probably remains of an ancient cemetery. Finds: Scarce, atypical Middle Palaeolithic flints. A Mousterian point. Periods MC: MP. Site typology: Campsite, encampment, piles of stones. Bibliography


Coordinates: 125.4/975.7 Description: Stone structures on the top of a hill: one tumulus, several piles of stones and 4 hut basements, probably a temporary encampment. Two elongated areas cleared of stones, with piles of stones in the corners and on the border. One, aligned at 190°, is 15.9 m long and 1.90-1.20 m wide; the other, aligned at 150°, is 17 m long and 2.0-1.6 m wide: at the top and at the bottom there are two other elongated cleared areas, 3 m long. The ensemble may be a geoglyph. Finds: No material culture found. Periods MC: Site typology: Encampment, geoglyph?, piles of stones, tumulus. Bibliography:


Coordinates: 125.5/975.6 Description: Temporary encampment with at least 10 hut basements. Finds: No material culture found Site typology: Encampment Bibliography:


Coordinates: 125.6/975.7 Description: Temporary encampment with at least 6 hut basements. Finds: No material culture found Site typology: Encampment Bibliography:


Coordinates: 125.6/975.8 Description: Remains of 4 hut floors, Palaeolithic in type. One is surrounded by stones. Some heaps of stones around. One small, black rock with engravings 100 m further North (BK/616 c) Finds: Atypical MP flints. A hammerstone. Periods MC: MP. Rock Art: One engraved rock Periods RA: ? Site typology: Campsite, rock art. Bibliography:


Coordinates: 125.4/976.1 Description: Dwelling site at a wadi junction on both side terraces: 4 round, well preserved stone structures in a row and other minor structures on one side; two round stone structures and two tumuli on the other side. Finds: Byzantine pottery. Periods MC: RBY. Site typology: Row. Bibliography:


Coordinates: 125.8/975.8 Description: Evidence of surface cleaning, remain of an ancient temporary encampment. Heaps of stones. Finds: No material culture found. Periods MC: Rock Art: One engraved rock. Periods RA: AR VII. Site typology: Encampment, heaps of stones, rock art. Bibliography:


Coordinates: 125.8/976.1 Description: Remains of two hut floors, Palaeolithic in type, 100 m North of BK/617, on a lower terrace. Two heaps of stones further West. A natural flint hill overlooks the site. Finds: No material culture found. Periods MC: Site typology: Campsite, heaps of stones. Bibliography:


Coordinates: 126.2/975.7 Description: A group of 8 hut floors arranged roughly in a circle on a hilltop. 3 other hut floors are north of the circle, 1 to its west. At least two different phases can be recognized in the utilization of this site. Site typology:


Coordinates: 126.5/975.5 Description: 3 hut floors, on a flat area near a hilltop. Site typology:


Coordinates: 126.5/975.4 Description: 80 m. south of site BK/619. 1 stone structure and 2 heaps of stones, on the southern side of a small wadi. Site typology:


Coordinates: 126.1/976.0 Description: Remains of walls belonging to at least 2 stone structures. Site typology:


Coordinates: 126.6/976.3 Description: A small hamlet consisting of 4 main structures, the central one is composed of an oval living structure with a courtyard in front of it. On each side there is 1 rectangular structure. The 4th structure is smaller than the others and seems to be a storing place. West of the above mentioned structure, there are remains of a fifth structure. Site typology:


Coordinates: 125.3/976.5 Description: Remains of a rectangular structure on a terrace, at the confluence between Nahal Karkom and a lateral wadi. Other groups of aligned stones seem to indicate the presence of remains of additional stone structures. 1 of them could be an animal enclosure. 1 tumulus. Site typology:


Coordinates: 124.9/976.4 Description: 2 groups of standing stones, on the southern terrace of the wadi, indicating that this site was used at least during 2 different periods. 1 group counts 3 large oval structures and the other 5 smaller angulated structures. Site typology:


Coordinates: 125.0/976.5 Description: 2 large dwelling units, 1 of which is angulated on 1 side, the other is oval. Several heaps of stones in the vicinity. Site typology:


Coordinates: 125.1/976.7 Description: 10 small circular piles of stones along the bank of the wadi. 2 larger dwelling units are 50 m. further east. 1 of them is almost perfectly round, the other larger 1 is angulated on 1 side and rounded on the other. Finds: Pottery RBY, ISL. Periods MC: RBY, ISL. Site typology:


Coordinates: 124.6/976.7 Description: 4 circular piles of stones along the edge of the wadi. They are probably tumuli. Site typology:


Coordinates: 124.2/976.8 Description: 8 circular stone dwelling units along the wadi. 2 of them are larger than the others, with 3 rooms and a courtyard, angulated on 1 side and rounded on the others; to its west side there is a well built tumulus. 5 of them are oval and another one rectangular. Periods MC: RBY. Site typology:


Coordinates: 126.3/976.6 Description: 9 hut floors arranged in an ellipse on the top of a hill. Site typology:


Coordinates: 126.8/976.4 Description: 6 standing stones arranged in a circle and several piles of stones around them. Remains of 5 dwelling units made of stone. Site typology:


Coordinates: 126.3/976.0 Description: 6-7 aligned hut floors on the top of a hill. Site typology:


Coordinates: 126.6/976.1 Description: 10 aligned hut floors. Site typology:


Coordinates: 126.7/976.1 Description: At least 9 aligned hut floors. Site typology:


Coordinates: 127.0/976.7 Description: 6 aligned rectangular stone structures, 3 more structures further south. Periods MC: RBY. Site typology:


Coordinates: 127.2/976.6 Description: 9 hut floors scattered south of the path, 2 stone-built living structures and a large stone circle. Site typology:


Coordinates: 127.3/976.6 Description: A stone circle. Site typology:


Coordinates: 127.5/976.9 Description: On the top of a hill, baements of huts in an extensive scatter. This site seems to have been utilized during different periods. Site typology:


Coordinates: 128.2/977.3 Description: A cluster of 9-10 hut floors east of the path and at least 3 hut floors to the west. Site typology:


Coordinates: 128.8/977.4 Description: A group of 5 hut floors. Site typology: BK/638 Coordinates: 128.9/977.1 Description: 5 hut floors of Palaeolithic type in a row. Site typology:


Coordinates: 129.8/977.2 Description: 3 circular stone structures and a tumulus to their north; a part of a rectangular stone structure on the bank of the wadi. 1 hut floor. Periods MC: RBY. Site typology:


Coordinates: 129.7/976.7 Description: 3 large stone structures and remains of 3 smaller ones. They form a large circle. West of this site, in a small lateral wadi, remains of 7 aligned rectangular structures. On the other side of the wadi, remains of 2 large enclosures. (BK/640b). Periods MC: RBY. Site typology:


Coordinates: 128.9/975.9 Description: 4 circular stone structures and other piles of stones on the northern bank of Wadi Karkom. On the opposite side of the wadi, near the confluence with a lateral wadi, a small kharaba, where water may have been collected. Periods MC: RBY. Site typology:


Coordinates: 128.6/976.8 Description: A tumulus and a stone circle surrounding it; west, another tumulus with its surrounding circle partly destroyed. Site typology:


Coordinates: 128.5/976.7 Description: At least 10 hut floors on the top of the hill; 3 small caves below the ridge show signs of having been used by man. Site typology:.


Coordinates: 128.2/976.4 Description: 4 aligned hut floors and several pillars of standing stones. Site typology:


Coordinates: 129.4/975.5 Description: Several hut floors along the path. Site typology:


Coordinates: 129.0/975.5 Description: A large tumulus on the top of the hill surrounded by a circle that is partly natural and partly artificial. Site typology:


Coordinates: 128.8/975.4 Description: A strip of over 15 hut floors of Palaeolithic type. Periods MC: PAL. Site typology:


Coordinates: 127.6/975.6 Description: 3 hut floors in a row. Site typology:


Coordinates: 126.8/975.4 Description: At least 4 hut floors by an ancient path on the top of the hill. Site typology:


Coordinates: 126.9/975.2 Description: 6 standing stones arranged roughly in a row, 2 stone structures and the remains of a third by the wadi. Site typology:


Coordinates: 129.8/974.9 Description: Basements of huts and piles of stones on top of the hill. Site typology:


Coordinates: 129.4/974.6 Description: 3 and possibly more hut floors on top of the hill. Site typology:


Coordinates: 129.3/974.4 Description: 12 piles of stones forming a circle; 1 inside the circle and 3 outside. Site typology:


Coordinates: 129.5/974.0 Description: Several piles of stones arranged roughly in an ellipse. Site typology:


Coordinates: 128.7/973.9 Description: A cluster of 8 hut floors, 3 of which are considerably larger than the others; several piles of stones. Site typology:


Coordinates: 129.2/973.7 Description: 11 hut floors roughly forming a circle. Site typology:


Coordinates: 129.2/973.3 Description: 5 hut floors, a tumulus and 5 standing stones in a row. Site typology:


Coordinates: 128.9/973.0 Description: Basements of huts, 5 are aligned. Site typology:


Coordinates: 127.6/973.4 Description: Traces of a Bedouin encampment; piles of stones. Periods MC: ISL . Site typology:


Coordinates: 126.4/973.8 Description: 7-8 hut floors of Palaeolithic type on the top of the mountain. 66 piles of stones in a circle. Most likely the 2 types of remains correspond to 2 different cultural episodes. Site typology:


Coordinates: 126.7/973.7 Description: Remains of an encampment, probably Bedouin, in a small valley. Periods MC: ISL. Site typology:


Coordinates: 128.6/972.8 Description: Remains of agricultural terracing. Periods MC: RBY. Site typology:


Coordinates: 128.8/972.4 Description: Remains of 2 animal enclosures, 1 oval and 1 rectangular; remains of stone walls and a canal to collect water from the wadi; agricultural terracing; remains of at least 5 living structures . Periods MC: RBY, ISL. Site typology:


Coordinates: 129.2/972.3 Description: 10-11 hut floors in a circle. At least 4 contiguous hut floors near the center of the circle. Site typology:


Coordinates: 128.5/972.0 Description: Remains of agricultural terracing. Periods MC: RBY. Site typology:


Coordinates: 128.1/972.1 Description: 7 small oblong stone structures roughly in a semicircle. Several piles of stones, probably tombs. Remains of 4 scattered living structures, each one built during a different period. Site typology:


Coordinates: 128.0/972.0 Description: A spiral-shaped structure and 4 rectangular structures arranged in a row. Site typology:


Coordinates: 127.1/972.7 Description: 10-11 piles of stones in a circle. Site typology: Bibliography: EA87, pp. 21 & 209.


Coordinates: 127.5/977.2 Description: 20 hut floors, 8 of which are arranged in a circle. Site typology:


Coordinates: 127.4/977.5 Description: Remains of agricultural terracing. Site typology:


Coordinates: 127.1/977.7 Description: A large stone circle and south, 3 standing stones. Site typology:


Coordinates: 126.2/976.7 Description: 5 circular stone structures in a row along the wadi; traces of walls and a circular stone structure further north. A wall in front of a small rock shelter and remains of terracing. Site typology:


Coordinates: 126.4/977.4 Description: 2 rock shelters on both sides of the wadi with paths leading to them. Site typology:


Coordinates: 128.8/974.6 Description: A group of 6 stone structures form a semicircle. 3 of them seem to be chambered, the others are small piles of stones. Site typology: Bibliography: EA87, p. 211.


Coordinates: 128.6/974.7 Description: 4 hut floors. Site typology:


Coordinates: 127.6/975.3 Description: A group of small rock shelters, in a secluded area, just below the top of a mountain difficult to access. A trail leads to them indi- cating utilization. Site typology: Bibliography: EA87, p. 211.


Coordinates: 126.0/974.8 Description: On the top of a mountain, a rectangular stone enclosure built against a cleft. Site typology:


Coordinates: 126.0/974.3 Description: 8 heaps of stones forming an oval. The area inside the circle is cleared of stones. Site typology: Bibliography: EA87, p. 211.


Coordinates: 127.8/974.3 Description: A stone circle at the confluence of 2 wadis. Site typology:


Coordinates: 123.8/976.9 Description: On the northeast side of the wadi, there is a group of courtyard structures and stone dwelling units. Periods MC: BAC. Site typology:

BK/681 a

Coordinates: 123.3/977.4 Description: In the bed of a small wadi are remains of agricultural terracing that presumably are related to the installations (RBY) of site BK/607. Periods MC: RBY. Site typology:

BK/681 b

Coordinates: 123.3/977.6 Description: In the bed of a small wadi are the remains of agricultural terracing that presumably are related to the installations of site BK/607. Periods MC: RBY. Site typology:


Coordinates: 123.7/977.6 Description: Agricultural terracing. Site typology:


Coordinates: 123.9/977.8 Description: Large round stone structure with small rooms along the perimeter (probably BAC). 100 m. south, vestiges of terraced fields in the bed of the wadi (RBY). Periods MC: RBY, BAC. Site typology:


Coordinates: 123.8/978.1 Description: Remains of agricultural terracing in the wadi. Periods MC: RBY. Site typology:


Coordinates: 123.6/978.4 Description: Remains of agricultural terracing. Periods MC: RBY. Site typology:


Coordinates: 123.8/978.5 Description: Remains of a nomadic encampment at the confluence of the 2 wadis. Periods MC: ISL. Site typology:


Coordinates: 123.4/979.2 Description: Remains of agricultural terracing and heaps of stones, probably tumuli. Periods MC: ISL?. Site typology:


Coordinates: 123.5/979.4 Description: Remains of agricultural terracing. Periods MC: RBY. Site typology:

BK/689 a-b

Coordinates: 123.7/979.8 Description: On the east side of the wadi, remains of agricultural terracing in the bed of a small lateral wadi. 40 m. west of the terraced-fields, a group of stone barrows, 5 of them well preserved and several destroyed. On the largest tumulus there is an anthropomorphic stone with artifically-shaped eyes. Finds: Pottery BYZ; Flint MP Periods MC: MP, BAC?, RBY. Site typology:


Coordinates: 124.2/979.8 Description: Remains of agricultural terracing and a heap of stone likely to be a burial. Finds: Pottery BYZ. Periods MC: RBY. 690b Coordinates: 124.2/979.9 Description: Rock shelter with some stone walls. Finds: Upper Paeleolithic flints, BYZ and ISL pottery. Periods MC: UP, RBY, ISL.


Coordinates: 124.3/979.8 Description: Remains of a nomadic encampment and stone enclosure. Periods MC: ISL. Site typology:

BK/692 abc

Coordinates: 124.6/979.6 Description: Along the bed of the wadi exist remains of agricultural terracing that are recognizable at intervals for about 300 m. Site typology:


Coordinates: 124.9/979.3 Description: Remains of agricultural terracing. Periods MC: RBY. Site typology:


Coordinates: 124.8/978.7 Description: On the tableland remains of 8 hut floors (PAL). Periods MC: PAL. Site typology:


Coordinates: 124.6/978.6 Description: Remains of agricultural terracing. Site typology:


Coordinates: 124.3/978.7 Description: Remains of agricultural terracing. Site typology:


Coordinates: 124.7/978.4 Description: Remains of agricultural terracing. Site typology:


Coordinates: 124.8/978.3 Description: In the wadi, remains of an encampment and agricultural terracing. Periods MC: BAC, RBY.


Coordinates: 124.9/978.2 Description: Remains of agricultural terracing.
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Fig. 158a/b. Rock engraving called 'the eye that watches from the rock.' A large eye has seven lines arrayed from the bottom and seven from the top. (Site HK 36b; photo EA98: LVIII-5; drawing: HK Archive; WARA W06016, W06017).

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